Why is obesity associated with skin tags?

Skin tag formation has a variety of different causes. One of the many causes that you may find to be true is that of obesity. This can pose an issue for many people, and there’s a few reasons why this causes an issue. If you aren’t sure how these are connected, it’s important to understand what tags are, and what you can do to remove them. The following focuses on tags formation, and the medical links that are connected with the issue as a whole.

What Exactly Are Skin Tags?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that skin tag formation is not going to hurt. They come up on the dermis due to friction. When the friction occurs, a small amount of collagen is pushed to the irritation site, and that will cause a small growth to rise. That rise will not be difficult to manage, and while it may seem like a wart or a zit, it’s not the same. People sometimes mistake the growth for a wart, but it’s not the same.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags can be linked to medical concerns. Some of the concerns include HPV infection, diabetes, rapid weight gain, rapid weight loss, heredity, and allergic reactions to precious metals. Now, there is a connection with obesity, as well. The reason why this is connected is because that usually causes folds, creases, and wrinkles to form on the skin. When someone gains a great deal of weight, they’ll find that the fat cells start to come over the waistline, thighs, buttocks, and other areas. Wherever the skin folds, or creases, it will cause the dermal tissue to rub against itself. That rubbing is going to cause a small growth to appear.

How To Get Rid of Skin Tags

In order to get rid of the growths, you will need to lose weight. However, you’ll also need to work with topical solutions. Topical options can help in a variety of different ways. These include using apple cider vinegar. You can take this option and apply it to a cotton ball. You can apply this to a cotton ball directly, then put it on the skin tags that you have. Within a few weeks, the tag will dry out and fall away. The same can be said for other topical solutions. Some of the most common include wart removers, acne medication, hemorrhoid creams, and even tea tree oil.

Should One Go To A Doctor?

There are some individuals that will need to see a doctor. Doctors that specialize in skin issues are called dermatologists. They can assess the root cause of the tags that form, and can remove them through a variety of solutions. If you need help removing these things, you can get a helping hand from a professional. They will address the issue, and then will give you a diagnosis about the underlying problems. Those underlying problems can be treated, and can stop the movement of skin tags on the dermis. If your goal is to see the dermis clear, without tags, then you can easily find yourself moving forward with topical solutions first, and eventually see a doctor if nothing changes.