Will skin tags turn white with a vinegar test?

Skin tags are often confused for warts. Because of this, many people will think about using what is known as a vinegar test on skin tags to differentiate them from warts and other skin issues. Unfortunately, this is not always indicative of the main problem. There’s a lot to consider when it comes to testing for skin diseases, HPV, and even sexually transmitted infections that are outside of the skin. The short answer, however, is that skin tags may not turn white with a vinegar test, unless they have elements that are similar to warts, and that makes things a little confusing, unless you know what to look for and why.

What Are Warts?

Warts are different than skin tags. They may appear similar, but they are not the same. These are caused by several strains of the human papillomavirus. This is commonly referred to as HPV, and once it is on the skin, it can cause bumps to form. These can be treated with home care or by a physician if need be. There are a lot of different reasons why warts may occur, and if you were to put vinegar on them to test them, they would in fact turn white.

There are several different types of warts or growths on the skin. They can seem like small blisters, and can form nearly anywhere on the body, usually in clusters. It’s rare to see them just in “one” small mass and that’s it.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags, on the other hand, are harmless, painless, and are not the same as warts. They may seem similar, they may even look the same, but they are not. They are painless, and unsightly. They form a small bump or outer growth over the epidermis. The reason why these occur is because of skin friction. When your skin rubs against itself due to creases, or folds, it will form a small tag. These are benign, and may not require a doctor’s advice overall. They will not turn white with a vinegar test.

When To Call A Doctor?

In the case of warts, you can find self-care options over the counter. However, if you have genital warts, you will need to see a specialist. A specialist can use a variety of testing methods to see if you have a sexually transmitted disease. If you do, there are medications that can help with break outs, alleviate pressure and itching in the area, and of course, remove the warts naturally. If the results are that you do not have a sexually transmitted disease, you can get help with removing warts, and even tags.

It’s important to realize that the two are different. Warts and tags are not the same, although they can be confusing. In the end, you will have to determine whether you’ve been sexually active with anyone, if you have these on your pubic areas. If not, then you may simply have skin tags, as they are painless, and are caused by friction. When in doubt, consult a physician.