What Are The Most Commonly Used Skin Tag Removal Equipment?

Skin tags are an issue that upwards of 3 million people in the United States deal with. Even more people around the world deal with this. This is not something that is dangerous, it’s benign, and it’s not going to cause problems overall. The tags come up from the skin and aren’t going to cause much disruption. You’ll find that most often, this is a cosmetic issue. Again, this will not hurt, these will not bleed, nor will they discharge. Do not panic if you see these. Instead, you can try topical solutions at home, or you can call a professional for help. If you’re not sure how these are removed, consider a few notes that will help you understand how these are removed by a professional.

Laser Removal

The first solution is that of laser removal. This is a solution that is handheld, and will help you remove the skin tag through heat. The laser doesn’t hurt, and it is a matter of a few seconds. This is something that you may think is like the tattoo removal process. It’s not. Since this is not ink, and it’s not deep in the dermis, you are not going to deal with the issue. The issue is not going to cause problems, and you’ll find that the laser will be fast, and painless.

Lancing With Scalpels

The next thing that you may find at a doctor’s office is that of a scalpel. Many doctors will simply lance the tag with a scalpel, fast, and easily. The tag will not hurt, but there may be some blood. A doctor will clean the element, and you’ll find that they will put a band aid on it. This is fast, doesn’t hurt, and will not cause much distress after the fact.


Another solution that is used often is that of cryotherapy. This is a solution that freezes the tag and causes it to fall away. This is skin therapy that is used for wart removal, but you’ll find that it works well with tags. It can easily allow you to remove the tag without pain. It is a bit cold, but that’s about it. Therapeutic elements with freezing doesn’t hurt, and is quick, and easy to work with.


Electricity can help the tag fall away fast. The electric element will heat up and will get the tag’s core within a matter of milliseconds, and burn it off, without incident. You will not feel it, it will just fall away, and that’s it. It’s something easy to work with, and doctors use it all the time to remove hair and even tags.

At the end of the day, skin tags are not dangerous. They are not cancerous. They are something that is cosmetic in most instances. A doctor can remove this with relative ease. However, if you don’t want to visit a specialist, you can put topical solutions on the skin and help you gain the upper hand. The tools mentioned above are the most common options to work with.