Why am I getting skin tags on my eyelids?

More than 3 million cases of skin tags are currently being treated in the United States alone. Around the world, there are millions of other people that are dealing with this form of skin irritation. It’s something that is benign, and is not going to cause a lot of stress, but could be unsightly. With that in mind, you may want to know what skin tags are, and what you may need to do to get rid of them, including seeing a professional. The following breaks down tags, and a lot of different elements associated with them.

What Causes Skin Tags?

The first thing that you should know is simple, skin tags are growths that appear on top of the dermis. The reason why this happens is because of friction with the dermis. Whenever your skin rubs against itself, you’ll find that collagen will push out a thick growth above the top layer. That is a tag, and can be sometimes look like a wart, or a zit. This is isolated to certain areas of the body, including the eyelids.

Aside from normal friction, you’ll find that obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, HPV, hormonal shifts, and allergic reactions, tags are not usually too complicated. If you suspect that your tags are associated with these issues, you may need to go to a doctor for help. However, it’s rare to have to deal with this issue on that scale.

Where Can Skin Tags Form?

It’s important to realize that you will find that skin tags form around a variety of different areas of the body. They focus on any creases and folds that occur on the skin. Skin tags are often found on the neck, ear, eyelids, groin area, and anywhere there’s a crease or fold.

Why Am I Getting Skin Tags on My Eyelids?

Moving forward, you’ll find that eyelids have a crease in them. When you blink, the skin cells move and there is friction involved. Anywhere on the body where friction is isolated on the body, you’ll find that collagen breaks through and pops up with a growth. That growth creates a skin tag, even on the eyelids. This is a difficult issue to deal with, since it’s on the eyelid which is a sensitive region of the body. Why you may be getting skin tags here, could be a direct result of causes mentioned above. However, you will need to see a specialist to diagnose whether or not the root cause is a matter of a greater issue. It’s imperative to consider this.

How To Get Rid of Skin Tags on My Eyelids?

If you have skin tags on the eyelid, and you want to remove them, you’ll need to see a dermatologist. They can remove them naturally, without causing harm to the eyes. You shouldn’t try to remove these yourself, because you can get a solution into the eyeball which can then be problematic. It’s just something that is difficult to manage. It’s such a sensitive area, that you may have to get help to clear up.