Can I use a wart remover for skin tags?

Millions of people today have small, harmless growths on their skin. They are unsightly, but they are not cancerous in most cases. In a variety of instances, they aren’t even irritants. These skin growths are known as tags. Skin tags usually come up when the dermis rubs against another area, often underneath the arms, folds of skin, and irritated skin areas. Tags can also be a matter associated with HPV infection, diabetes, and other diseases. A doctor can diagnose if the issue is in fact a problem associated with something a bit more serious than just a simple tag. Removal is a matter of finding the root cause, and then applying one of few solutions. The following explores one such solution, war removers.

The Root Cause

First and foremost, it’s imperative to find the root cause of tags. In most instances, there is an irritant that causes this to form. However, in extreme cases there is an infection in the body, and the dermis is reacting to that issue. For instance, if a person has HPV, skin tags will rise and turn into warts, and could be found along the anus or genitals. Aside from that, pregnant women can have tags raised because their hormones are changing through the course of the pregnancy. Finding the root cause can be tough at first glance, but a doctor can determine if the issue is severe, or is minor. In a majority of cases, patients are going to find that these growths are simple, and not something that should raise alarm.

Getting Rid of Tags With Wart Removers

Moving forward, many individuals will look into war removers to try and fix the issue. But does this work? The short answer is simple, yes. Yes, these options could help with removing tags, however, it’s important to note that it doesn’t always work in the same manner. The main ingredient in many of these wart removers include salicylic acid which can help break off the skin element. IN other instances, there are freezing compounds that can be applied topically as well. The topical solutions will allow the growth to dry out and then fall off naturally. Often, this only takes a few days to see work, and if the case is in fact simple, not severe, the issue will be easily taken care of.

When Matters Get worse

In rare instances, skin tags can get worse. This is something that you will need to ask a doctor’s advice about. A dermatologist can determine if the issue is cancerous, a result of HPV, or something else. Once it is determined what the root cause may be, you’ll find that an application can be given. Some are topical, some are in the form of antibiotics, and other elements. Again, only a doctor can help you determine what the root cause may be. In nearly every instance, skin tags can be removed, whether at home, or with the assistance of a doctor. To suffice, wart removers can help as well.