Can I use acetone (propanone) to get rid of skin tags?

The skin can become irritated, and one of the issues that you may see is a small irregular raised plateau on the skin. At first you may think it’s a mole or a wart, but it’s not. It’s a skin tag. It’s something that is simple to form, and doesn’t hurt. You will not have to deal with issues associated to the issue, as they often just come through and stay put. There are ways that you can remove tags, and one option that many people test out is that of acetone. You can use this nail polish remover to get tags to fall away. Before getting into how to do this, consider the following notes in regard to what skin tags are, and some medical concerns you may need to consider.

Are Skin Tags Dangerous?

The first thing that you need to know is simple, tags are not dangerous. They do not hurt, they do not cause any issue. They are not acne, they are not warts, and you will be able to remove them naturally. There are a lot of over the counter, holistic solutions that you can test out to ensure that tags fall away.

Tags are dermal irritations that rise up from friction. Whenever there’s friction on the skin, you’ll find that a small irregular plateau rises. This is a flat, skin toned issue that is benign. However, there are some medical concerns that some individuals may need to consider. That includes diabetes, obesity, HPV infection, steroid use, pregnancy, and even allergies to certain metals and stimuli. These are not necessarily common, but tags can be pointing to a larger issue.

Using Acetone To Remove Skin Tags

To remove skin tags, you can use acetone. Acetone is a simple solution that is used in removing nail polish. If you want to use this for tags, you’ll need to follow a simplified process. The simplest solution here is to get a clear nail polish. Get the clear polish and apply it on the skin tag as a whole. This is important. You need to have it completely covered, and allow it to dry. Do this at night, and you can wait 8 hours to get it removed. In the morning, use acetone to clean up the nail polish. This may need to be applied several times before it fully falls away, but in time, the acetone will help get the tag completely removed. It starts with the polish, and then the acetone will help remove it.

Don’t use this method in sensitive areas. Skin can be irritated by using this too much, or putting it in sensitive areas like the eyelids, mouth, and even ears. If this doesn’t work, or you sense that there’s a deeper issue, you’re going to want to get a helping hand with removal. That means going to a doctor and getting them to help you with the issue. They can diagnose the problem, and see if there’s an underlying problem. Then they can remove the tags, and treat your illness. In most cases, however, you won’t need to visit a professional.