What does a dermatologist use to remove skin tags?

For the purpose of skin tag removal, dermatologists use a variety of different tools. When you visit a doctor, they are going to first diagnose the issue. For those that are dealing with skin disorders, or even something as benign as tags, there are elements that need to be considered. Before you can understand why specialists use certain tools, consider a quick break down of what skin tags are, and how they are removed professionally.

Skin Tags Defined

First and foremost, tags that form on the skin are nothing more than raised, benign, growths. They are sometimes referred to as tumors, but they are not cancerous. They pop up due the friction that can be caused by skin rubbing against itself. That can be due to weight, puberty, hormonal shifts, pregnancy, HPV infection, allergic reaction to precious metals, tight clothing, and heat differentials. Either way, it’s not something that you should really worry too much about, as it can be taken care of by a doctor, or even with a home care kit. However, if you prefer to visit a dermatologist, just to make sure that you’re ok, you can get them removed by a professional.

The Methods Used by Dermatologists

Now that you know a few basics about skin tags, you may want to learn about how specialists remove them in the office. The following methods are the most common used by doctors that specialize in skin disorders.

Lancing With A Scalpel

The first method is simple, they cut the tags out with a scalpel. This is the easiest method, and it doesn’t hurt. There may be a little blood, but nothing too extreme. Local anesthetic may be used in case there is pain, but chances are the lancing will occur swiftly, and without incident. In the case that the tag is deep in the skin, a deeper incision may be utilized, but a scalpel is traditional used for this.

Freezing The Tag

Much like warts can be frozen and removed, so can tags. Freezing can be done with a liquid compound that is placed directly on the skin. While this is extremely cold, it is not going to hurt, and will only take a few minutes to work. Once the liquid element gets the tag frozen, it can be pulled off without any scarring or incident. This is one of the most preferred methods of removal.

Heated Lasers

Lasers can be used to remove tags through heat. A high-powered laser can burn the tag off, but swiftly, and without pain. This is not the same as laser tattoo removal, mind you, as some people may be afraid of the idea of a laser hitting their skin. This is a bit safer, and easier to manage.

Topical Acids

There are some physicians that will utilize acid to burn the tag off. While this may sound painful, it’s not. It’s the same kind of acids that are used in astringents and acne medications. The process is to simply put the solution on the tag itself, and allow it to fall off naturally. It’s quick, painless, and helps clear the skin with ease.