What is a safe way to remove skin tags? The secure way to get rid of Acrochordon

Human skin is made up of several layers. These layers have cells that can get irritated or even stifled through a variety of different issues. One such problem can occur due to friction, or allergic reaction to certain stimuli. When issues arise, you’ll find that a small growth may rise along the dermal tissue. This growth is commonly known as a skin tag, or by the medical term acrochordon. Getting this safely removed is not a complex thing, as you can either do it at home or call a professional in certain cases. Understanding what the root causes are and why they form can help you understand the bigger picture associated with tags of this type.

The Basics of Skin Tags

In order to figure out what is a safe way to remove tags is to look into what these are overall. The easiest way to understand these is to know that friction is the root issue. When skin folds, creases, or simply rubs against other skin tissue, it will cause collagen to bunch up forming a growth. That growth is a benign deformed raised platform.

Aside from friction, the root causes may be a matter of infection or illness. For instance, those that are dealing with diabetes, hormonal imbalances, HPV, and steroid use can find themselves having to deal with these growths. They are usually not indicative of a larger issue, unless they are combined with other symptoms and causes. While they are unsightly, they are traditionally not indicative of a larger problem, overall.

Removing Skin Tags Safely

There are several ways that you can approach the removal of skin tags. You can either do the following options at home, or seek medical help (as noted below). Starting with topical solutions, you’ll find that you can either wait a matter of weeks, or you can focus on an immediate fix.

Essential Oils (Topical Application)

The first solution that you may want to consider is soaking a cotton ball in essential oils and applying it to the growth. You may use tea tree, lemon, oregano, and even mint oil on the skin. The oil will penetrate the core and will eventually cause it to dry up and fall off naturally. You will not feel pain, and will not have to worry about the issue after some time. You need to apply this solution to the skin 3 times a day for several days to get the full effect.

Acidic Reactions (Topical Application)

Another solution is to help burn the tag off through the use of acid. You can use naturally acidic compounds like lemons or pineapple juice to do this. You can apply the flesh of a lemon directly to the growth several times a day, or use pineapple juice on the skin itself. Within 2 weeks’ time, you should see a change.

The Medical Route (Surgical)

Moving forward with surgical solutions, you’ll need to call a dermatologist. They can lance, burn, or even freeze the tag off depending on where it’s located. These are painless procedures that can be done swiftly, and without issue.