What kind of doctor should I see for skin tags?

You may realize that you have skin tags on your body. These form at any age, and can happen to men, women, and even children. You’ll find that this issue is not too difficult to manage, and it’s not going to hurt. Skin tags are benign growths that come up from the dermal tissue. The tags come up as skin rubs against itself, causing friction. Skin friction is the main culprit, but there are some medical issues that could be linked to this problem. In some instances, you may need to see a doctor, but not in every instance.

What Are The Root Causes of Skin Tags?

Beyond the friction that can cause skin tags to form, you should know some of the medical conditions that can cause problems with tags forming on the skin. The most common issues include obesity, rapid weight loss, diabetes, pregnancy, HPV infection, steroid use, medications, heredity, scratches on the skin, or even allergic reactions to certain stimuli. These issues will need to get diagnosed by a doctor.

Even though these issues are concerning, it’s important to realize that these issues are not going to manifest in every instance. In most instances, you may not have a medical condition that is causing the tags to form. In fact, the majority of individuals that have this issue simply have skin cells that are rubbing against each other.

When To See A Doctor

There are times when you will need to see a doctor. This occurs when you have changes in the skin. If your tags start to cluster, or form along pubic regions, it’s imperative to get a helping hand. Not only that, monitor tags so that they don’t change color, start to bleed, or cause any sort of irritation. This can be something that will need immediate attention. Other than that, you don’t necessarily need to see a doctor, unless you want a second opinion on the root cause of your issue. With that in mind, consider the following doctors to see when you need help with skin tags.

The Dermatologist

If you are going to see a specialist, you can see a dermatologist. These are experienced physicians that only focus on skin disorders. They are trained to spot and help issues with irritation, and beyond. They can also remove skin tags for you, and can even prescribe medication to help you ensure that your skin does not scar, or have any further issues. They can usually determine whether you have a serious problem, cancer, or any other types of skin issues with just looking at the skin itself.

General Practitioner

The next doctor you may want to see is a general practitioner. These are family doctors that can help diagnose and treat a wide array of different issues. They specialize in medicine as a whole, and do not have one concentration or specialty. They may have a secondary discipline but more often than not, they see patients of all backgrounds, and issues. They can help with diagnostics and even removal of skin tags with relative ease.