What to do for skin tag after 3rd degree tear?

There are a lot of different elements that can cause problems with the skin. One of the issues that people face off against is found with a third degree tear, and fix. Usually this occurs after childbirth, and mothers that give birth naturally may be sewn up if there is a tear. That tear, once healed can leave a skin flap or a skin tag that may be uncomfortable, and could even cause further irritation. Figuring out what to do after the fact can be tough, especially with a new born and trying to heal from childbirth. There are a few things that you’ll need to consider after this occurs, especially if the tag starts to hurt, bleed, or cause any sort of discomfort.

Do Not Make Matters Worse

The first thing that needs to be understood is that the healing process can take upwards of 8 weeks. Initially, the first two weeks, it could be difficult to sit, stand for long periods of time, and get back to normal routines. It’s imperative that rest, and relaxation be part of the regular process of daily care. Furthermore, it’s important not to scratch, or touch the tags after the tear and stitches. In some instances, the doctor will give you after-care tips, follow them. Do not make matters worse by trying to alleviate the issue on your own, take the time to allow for simple comfort, in time.

Skin Tag Doesn’t Go Away

Moving forward, after your healing is complete, which can take weeks, or even a month or two, you’ll find that a skin tag could form where the tear site is at. If there is a skin tag left, but everything is healed, and perhaps scarred, you can visit a doctor to get a helping hand with the removal of this option. Doctors will use a laser or freeze the tag off, and it should not be too painful. Things will heal over and the tag will fall off naturally within a few days.

These don’t go away on their own. Tears will heal with skin tags, so it’s important to consider. There are natural options to consider. Some options can require you to apply apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and other natural holistic solutions that can help remove the tag naturally. It may take a few days, to a few weeks for this to dry out and completely fall off, but it can go away, if you are proactive.

Extreme Cases

There are some extreme cases in which the skin is loose and the tags are not going to be removed without light sedation and surgery. For instance, if there is an issue around the perineum, a doctor may need to numb the area, and remove the tag surgically, as well as connect any skin elements that may not have healed 100% correctly. In an extreme case, a doctor will help you figure out what to do next.

In order to heal properly, however, it’s imperative to take time to relax and not go to extraneous with exercise and normal day to day routines.