Why Are Some Skin Tags Flat?

Skin tags are growths that appear on the skin. They come up from the dermis. They are dermal irritations that come from friction. Whenever skin rubs against itself, you’ll find that tags can rise up and become problematic. However, they are not painful, they don’t discharge, and you will not have to worry too much about it. They are things that you’ll find to be simple to work with, and even remove. Understanding what these are, and some of the causes can help you figure out what tags are overall. They can also come out flat, instead of elongated, or irregular in size, which is something to consider as well.

What Exactly Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are associated with dermal irritation. When skin has friction, it will rise up through the dermis due to collagen getting sent to the dermal layers. These tags do not hurt, they do not bleed, and are not cancerous. They are simply irritated cells that rise up wherever there’s a fold, crease, or any sort of friction with the dermis.

There are some medical links considered to the tags. These are issues that come with obesity, diabetes, steroid use, and even pregnancy. Aside from these issues, however, heredity can occur in this regard. The tags will rise up from the skin, and can be irregular in size, but skin toned in nature.

Why Are Some Skin Tags Flat?

The reason why some skin tags are flat is because of heredity, more than anything else. There’s no scientific reason why some are flat, some are long, or some are larger. It’s just a matter of things that are coming up from the skin. There is nothing too difficult to manage with this issue. Since they are benign, and they don’t hurt, you can apply a number of different things to work with.

Getting Rid of Skin Tags

There are a variety of different ways that you can get rid of tags. The starting line is to use topical solutions. Some of the easiest solutions to work with include acne medication. Acne medication, hemorrhoid creams, and even essential oils can be applied to the tag. The elements will come through the core and will cause the tag fall out with relative ease. These are easy to manage, and will go away within a matter of time.

When To Call A Doctor?

There are moments when you will need to call a professional. In that regard, you’ll find that if the tags start to grow on pubic areas, in clusters, or change color size, or even bleed, it’s time to call a professional. A doctor will diagnose the issue, and will tell you whether or not it’s exactly tags. If it’s not tags, it could be warts, or other issues. Calling a doctor will help you get peace of mind. You’ll be able to also get the tags removed fast, and without worry. There are many options that you can pursue, and you can find out whether or not the tags are associated with a deeper medical problem overall.