Why do I have skin tags on my pubic area? Can acrochorda spread by shaving?

One of the most common skin issues that people are dealing with is known as tags. Skin tags are benign outer growths that come up from the dermis. They start as small zit like options, but grow out instead of having a top that oozes puss or breaks apart. It just stays in place. It can be deformed, darker than skin town, or can be simply a rounded risen skin tab that is not very large. In most cases, these are not cancerous and do not cause much alarm. There are several causes, and they may show up in a variety of areas around the body. They may even show up in your pubic area. If you have skin tags in the pubic region, don’t panic, consider the root causes, and understand that achrochorda can be a result of shaving, but there’s more to it than that.

The Root Cause of Skin Tags

Moving forward to the causes, you need to understand that the issue may be a matter of genetics. Some people are predisposed to getting these. Others get them as a result of weight gain, or rapid loss. Creases and rolls in the skin can cause tags to rise up, and that’s one of the main problems that could be triggered. Aside from weight gain and loss, people with diabetes, who are obese, and may be using certain medications can get overgrowths across the skin.

But in regards to the pubic area, which is a common place to see growths, this could be a matter of scratching and irritating the skin with a shaver. The problem here is that shavers use stainless steel or steel blades that can become dirty, or could irritate the skin as they sometimes scrape the skin. The pubic area is not flat, but rather contoured, so there are areas that can be sensitive to touch, and of course shaving. When shaving, if there’s a scratch, or even a nick, the body reacts fast, and can cause a skin tag to form.

When Things Are Worse Than Tags

There are some people that will get skin tag looking elements in the pubic area. If they spread, or persist, it’s important to see a doctor. Doctors can diagnose whether or not this is a normal occurrence, and a reaction to shaving. Or if it’s a matter of sexual disease. One such disease including HPV. This can be spread through sexual contact. Some individuals will mistake tags for genital warts, and others will have different STI problems. A doctor can differentiate between something that is benign and something that is more serious.

At the end of the day, you should always be careful when shaving any area on the body. Get a clean razor, and use plenty of gel or cream to ensure that irritation is not garnered. Furthermore, it’s important to see a doctor if tags spread, become painful, and are not directly related to shaving. Sometimes, infections spread, and sometimes there is a deeper issue overall.