Why do I keep getting skin tags around my eyes?

Millions of people today are dealing with skin irritation, and even skin tags. With over 3 million cases in the United States, it’s not uncommon to see these pop up on the dermis. One area where these come through is that of the eyes, including the eyelids. This is a very sensitive area, which makes it difficult to treat and remove tags overall. You may be getting these, and not sure how to remove them, or how to figure out what is going on. The first thing to remember is simple, don’t panic. These are not dangerous, they are not cancerous, and they don’t hurt. However, they are unsightly, and therefore, you may want to get rid of them. Before you get to that step, you’ll need to first understand what these are, why they form, and what they may be linked to medically.

What Exactly Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are small growths that come up from the dermis. They are benign, meaning they are not cancerous. They do not hurt, they do not bleed, and they are not warts or acne. People often confuse these for something more dramatic, but in all honesty, they are mostly cosmetic in nature. They are not going to cause you harm, but they are a bit irritating if you have them in a sensitive location, like around the eyes.

There are some medical connections that can be made with some skin tags. This may include obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, bowel cancers, rapid weight loss, medications, and heredity. In nearly every case, however, it’s a matter of friction. Friction causes the most problems, as the dermis rubs against itself, and that forces collagen to get shoved into the layers of the skin, forming a small overgrowth. Again, it’s not dangerous in most cases, and it doesn’t hurt.

But Why Am I Getting Them Around My Eyes?

Skin irritations around the eyes are due to a variety of reasons. The first is that the skin near the eyes creases, folds, and moves. It stretches, it ages, and the cells along the eyes and eyelids change dramatically through the years. With the folds and creases that occur during blinking, and getting older, the cells start to rub against themselves, and cause a great deal of friction. That friction causes the cells to generate small growths, and that’s why you will be getting skin tags around the eyes.

Removing skin tags around the eyes is not something that you can do at home with ease. The problem is that you can’t place items on the eyes, or around them, as it can hurt overall. You don’t want to cause pain or issues on your eyes, or near them. So, you can’t just apply a cream or a topical option like you would with other areas of your body. To remove these, you may need to visit a specialist. A dermatologist can look at the issue, and remove them in their office. They can also make sure that the issue is not part of a larger, underlining problem.